Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Whole Different Style

Hawaii. USA territory since 1898 and an official state not until the year 1959, Hawaii is relatively new to our country. Many people often overlook this fact and think that Hawaii is just like every other state, that is, Hawaii is a place where a white middle-class boy can feel comfortable. Well, truth be told, I'm having a tough time adjusting to the many different cultures and this is where I will spend the next year.

One tourism book stated that if America is the "Melting Pot" then Hawaii is the "Melting Wok". It truly is. It's a "Melting Wok" of many proud cultures and for a minority, this can be difficult. For me, each day brings new epiphanies and with those, many more challenges.

Since arrival things have been hectic. Rental cars, visiting touristy sites, signing leases, new job, FIRST JOB, professional develop meetings, exploration of the island; these all encompass my daily activities. Kristine and I have been working hard to get settled in.

Today was a great day. We scored a rug, a hand woven straw laundry basket, a smaller basket, outdoor chairs (free) and a 29" T.V. for $70. Those items may sound trivial, but each item makes us one step closer to having a home. One step to feeling complete. One step to fitting in.


Michele said...

hey Justin and Kristine,

You guys are making us all proud that u are making it on your own out there!!!!!! Keep safe and be well!!!

Anne said...

Hi Justin and Kristine,

What a great blog, Justin! Love the pictures and commentary. A fabulous way to stay in touch. You're in the midst of starting a whole new life. It's exciting yet filled with many new steps and challenges to face. We're sending lots of positive energy your way. We have faith in you both!

Katie says hi and can't wait to see you next year. She proudly wears her Marist sweatshirt and tells everyone its from her big cousin who she loves very much!

Can't wait for the next update!
Love ya!

Aunt Anne

Ms. S. said...

Hey Justin! So wonderful that you have started this blog. I´m writing to you from Peru, although D and I are flying home after a month tonight. We are really excited for you guys making the bold move to Hawaii! We both absolutley can connect with your experiences teaching and traveling abroad, and know those pains of adjusting to a new culture and being out of your element. With time, you will realize that you have indeed made it your own element, and your unique relationship with this new environment and culture may turn out to be your most profound learning experience yet. We are very proud of you! Keep Shining. All our love coming at you! Erica and Damien