Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ode To My Furry Pal

The One. The Only. Kona.

Slightly pathetic, but yes, I do miss my furry friend Kona. She was all that and a bag of tricks. There are times when I brag that I once had the best cat that EVER lived. I think the last time I did that was just last week.

C'mon. How many cats do you know that played fetch? Or farted to the point where she could clear out a room full of people (If you don't believe me than ask C.T.)? Or who made such a mess every time she ate that people thought we had a dog?

Kona making a mess as usual.

Honestly, I will always remember her. I still speak about her like she was my child. She kind of was. First apartment with Kristine. She was the first pet that we could call our own (I didn't name her. That's another story). Not only was she the best kitty she was also the most beautiful.

Kona being mischievous.

And man could she ease the tension after a rough day. It's like she knew we needed someone to lighten up the atmosphere. Kona always came through when we needed her too.

A common scene in the Harris/Williams residence. Me talking to Kona and her pretending she understands English.

Sometimes I have to take a deep breath when I think about her. A cat might seem trivial or silly to some, but she was my friend and part of my small family. I know I cursed her out under my breath when she woke me up at 5:30 am (sometimes even earlier) on a work day when I could have slept until 6:30 am, but I would trade almost anything right now to have her running around the house here. I'm sure a few others would too (sorry Williams family!). Anyways, I miss you Kona!

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